Fall 2024



The Fall 2024 semester has been a remarkable time for our chapter, filled with growth, achievement, and preparation for an exciting future. I’m proud to share that we’ve earned nearly 300 Schrader Award points this semester which is a testament to the dedication and hard work of every brother. As we look ahead to Spring 2025, we are thrilled to announce that we will be starting the semester with 40 active Brothers, a new record for the past fourteen years we have recorded. This milestone reflects the strength of our brotherhood and our commitment to building a thriving chapter. Staying connected with our alumni remains one of our highest priorities. Your support and engagement inspires us to push further, and we love hearing your stories, advice, and updates. Don’t hesitate to reach out, your involvement makes a real difference in Beta’s success. So please, call the house phone (906-523-7027) and you will be greeted with our old jingle, or come by and visit the house if you’re in Houghton.  Looking ahead further, we’re eagerly anticipating the Summer 2025 National Convention in Milwaukee. We are the current front runners for the Schrader Award as told to the chapter from our Regional Director. With the current state of the chapter I see no reason why Beta Chapter won’t be bringing home the Schrader Award. Thank you for your continued support of our chapter! Here’s to another successful semester and an exciting year ahead!

In H&T,

Mitchell Warner X!

“Egon Spengler” 1503

Graduating Spring 2026

Computer Engineering



I am proud to announce that 12 additional members will be joining the Theta Tau Beta Chapter Brotherhood. Through hard work and determination, these young men have proven themselves worthy of bearing the Greek letters of true H&Ts. During this process, this pledge class completed two projects: A flagpole proudly displaying an American flag, and the other, a table designed for one of our favorite party activities, ‘stack cup’. The Fall Class of 2024 embodies the values, dedication, and camaraderie that make Theta Tau Beta Chapter truly special. 

I introduce your fall class of 2024  

Pin 1518 Andy Mleczek (Ferb), Pin 1519 Clark Aapala (Boog), Pin 1520 Owen Rapp (Yukon Cornelius), Pin 1521 Nathaniel Werdon (Anton Ego), Pin 1522 Joshua Walters (Max Goof), Pin 1523 Wyatt Bolton (Dipper Pines), Pin 1524 Eli Stewart (Scrat), Pin 1525 Tyler McCoy (Roddy St. James), Pin 1526 David Derusha (Donald Duck), Pin 1526 August Nordine (Gibby), Pin 1527 Killian Sullivan Pin 1528 (Chick Hicks), Pin 1529 Jose Martinez (Boots).  

Let us welcome these outstanding individuals into our brotherhood with open arms and the pride that comes with knowing they have earned their place among us. 

Congratulations to our newest brothers. Their journey with us has just begun.  Let’s look forward to the incredible contributions that these young men will bring to our chapter!” 

In H&T, 

John Cooke

“Jonesy” 1487

Graduation Spring 2025



Hope this finds you well.

We have had one of the most successful recruitment periods in our history this fall! We held 8 rush events ranging from Volleyball, Golf, Basketball, Movie Night, and so much more. We also had a very high presence at our resume workshop rush this semester helping new and old faces prepare for MTU career fair. 

We had many rushees and possible new members this semester although only 13 bids where given out. 12 possible new members picked their bids up and the brotherhood is very excited for what they can bring for our future. Overall we have had an extremely successful rush this fall and the spring will be no different.

In H&T,

Hunter Stayton

“Gromit” 1512

Graduation Spring 2027

Software Engineering 



With our house coming up on a decade of standing now we have a lot to celebrate. The actives take a lot of pride in our house being the nicest on campus and we all do our part to make sure it stays that way. We have had a couple of issues pop up this past semester. For a little while the urinals were giving us some trouble, along with each of the dryers going out at one point this semester. One of the bigger issues that we faced has been with our boilers and heating pumps once we had to start heating up the house. Our house cook Annette Butina has continued to be one of the biggest supporters and biggest helpers in getting our problems solved. One of our biggest goals for the house remains to be refinishing our living room with new couches. The current furniture is in a state of disrepair and truth be told can be an embarrassment for us when visitors come by. All in all things are running smoothly and we are all doing our part to keep the house clean and in upkeep. I look forward to seeing you all this coming summer for our annual brotherhood reunion. 

In H & T,

Quentin Couturier

“Manny” 1492

Graduation Spring 2026

Environmental Engineering



I hope all is well with you. The past semester has treated our house greatly. As the Corresponding Secretary I have done my best to maintain a strong social media presence for our fraternity and have tried to increase engagement not only on Facebook but on Instagram as well. For any of you who wish to join our Facebook page you can do so by finding us under the name “Theta Tau – Beta Chapter” and you can also find us on Instagram at @thetataubeta. We keep both pages updated with pictures of events we hold as well as updates on pledge classes and philanthropy events. Following our pages can allow for all of our alumni to stay up to date and connected to the house long after graduation. The actives up here in Houghton greatly appreciate all of the alumni support and we always look forward to letters and visits. Our house is always open to all of our alumni and we are eager to see you all. We are also very generous for donations made to help out the house. Any donations can be made through this link https://givebutter.com/DugganFund. Thank you for all of your unwavering support and we look forward to bringing you great news about our house in the future. 

In H&T, 

Pietrino Censoplano 

“Guido” 1497

Graduation Spring 2026

Civil Engineering



For philanthropy this fall semester, our fraternity committed to several impactful events that benefited the local community. We held a pig roast for the Adams Fire Department, successfully raising $1,000 to support their essential services and their new station. We kept the streets clean through our highway cleanup on our adopted stretch of M-26 where we collected 10 bags of litter. We assisted at a local celebration, valeting for Father John’s retirement from St. Ignacius at The Bonfire, the church of our house mom Annette. Lastly, we cleaned and closed up our university’s paintball course for the season, ensuring it was in condition for future use. We are proud of our contributions and the positive impact we’ve made in our community this semester.

In H&T

Eduardo Rengifo

“Daniel LaRusso” 1510

Graduating Spring 2027

Mechanical Engineering



For Dog Steward this past fall semester, Beaufort has been growing in size and his relations with the brothers. Over these past few breaks he’s been able to stay at multiple other brothers’ homes, and is becoming a lot more sociable with everyone he’s around. He loves the snow as it is falling and will let us know every 10 minutes that he would like to go nap in it. While he weighs in at about 150 pounds he has been eating about 9 cups of food a day and growing at a good pace. Beau is ready for this coming semester, and he can spend all the time outside with us during the statue building. He has been a very good boy and continues to be so.

In H&T

Wilson Riggs

“Trevor” 1493

Mechanical Engineering Technology



For the statue this semester, I have a few things planned. First off, the theme for this year is Medieval, as such I have designed some basic 3d models of our two separate builds. The first one is going to be a dragon in the front of the house with its tail being a long swaying slide down the hill. On the other hand, the plan is to turn the volleyball court into a mini broomball/hockey rink. The rink will have walls around the sides that are shaped like castle walls and will include towers and goals as well. Having these statues not only fills in the theme of the event but also creates some extra use cases that can be used by the brothers before, during, and after the winter carnival. I’m planning on making the rink to be used for a possible philanthropy event or even just a fundraiser for one of our choosing.

In H&T

Wilson Riggs

“Trevor” 1493

Mechanical Engineering Technology

Ryan Cote